Biostratigraphy Drilling Engineer

For a drilling engineer, much of the value of paleontology/biostratigraphy lies with its ability to assist with correlation. The decision to mobilize paleo would depend on how confident geoscientists are in their correlations.

Correlation affects the pore-pressure model, which affects well design. For instance, this could dictate where you would want to set pipe.

Decisions rest on what information you need, and when you need it

The decisions paleo can help you make have direct impacts on cost, often saving lots of money by helping with smart well design. In real-time paleo can also help to implement that well design. Paleo can also make it clear when to stop drilling, if the targets are not present.

Some things to consider for well design

  1. What is the age of the section coming out of salt? Knowing the age out of salt as soon as possible could help make your decision about where to set pipe.
  2. Do you have enough window to weight up if the pressure is higher than expected?
  3. Is the higher pressure because of a “salt-disturbed” section, or because the section is older than expected?
  4. Should the pipe be set here, or is there a more efficient place ahead of us to set pipe?
  5. Is it worth the time and/or risk to weight up or down mud and drill ahead, or just set pipe here?
  6. What are the pressure gradients associated with stratigraphic boundaries?

Paleo Data, a PetroStrat Company

Paleo Data Inc. is an employee-owned, full-service biostratigraphy consultancy working primarily in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Gulf Coast, with additional international experience. Paleo Data Inc. maintains and updates substantial databases which utilize a consistent and proven biostratigraphic framework for optimal uniformity and accuracy in stratigraphic correlation. PetroStrat is a leading and global provider of integrated geoscience services, delivering best-in-class subsurface solutions to the energy industry, enabling customers to make informed strategic, operational and commercial decisions. They bring together the data, analytical services, and world-leading expertise under one roof, delivering agile, flexible, innovative, cost-effective, and HSE-conscious solutions, to de-risk exploration and development targets and reduce asset uncertainty. The team, in partnership with their clients, has worked on some of the biggest oil and gas discoveries in the world and has a proven track record in delivering significant returns on investment for a range of clients from service companies and small independents, to super majors and state oil companies. PetroStrat’s headquarters and main laboratories are in Conwy, North Wales, with offices in St. Albans (UK) and Northwich (UK), Houston (USA), Calgary (Canada), and facilities through joint ventures and collaborative agreements in Trinidad, Kuala Lumpur, and Mexico. Clients include many of the world’s international and national oil companies.